Local Outreach Coordinator

Position: Part-Time Local Outreach Coordinator (10hrs/wk)
Reports to: Melissa Hoogenraad - Director of Community Engagement and Experience

Overall Purpose and Responsibilities: 
The Local Outreach Coordinator is responsible for developing best practices for our VantagePoint Local Outreach team through recruiting, training, resourcing, and relationship building. Additional responsibilities include: nurturing relationships between VantagePoint Church and local needs-based organizations, community service projects, and local community events. The Local Outreach Coordinator is someone who embraces our Leadership Values, has a strong administrative skill set, and communicates well.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Develop Leaders to build, equip, and develop a team of volunteers to own every element of the Local Outreach Ministry.
  • Equip members to be servant evangelists in our community.
  • Constantly evaluate our approach, pursuing innovative new ideas for reaching the community.
  • Maintain ongoing relationships with local partners.
  • Administrative Duties (spreadsheets, scheduling, communication and follow-up via email, texting, and platform operations.)

Ministry Tasks:
  • Meet with Local Outreach team leads to ensure continual improvement of the ministry.
  • Understand, engage, and organize ongoing informational meetings and trainings with team leaders to improve the effectiveness of the team.
  • Promote teamwork through fellowship opportunities.
  • Attend bi-weekly staff meetings (currently Tuesday, 10 am.)
  • Manage opportunities for VPC team members to serve.
  • Assist in planning for large-scale community events.  
●    Coordinate volunteers for the day of events. 
●    Assist in resourcing a team of volunteer leaders.

Core Competencies
● Handles confrontation well (assertive not passive or aggressive.) 
● Optimistic, energetic, and shows initiative (knows how to hustle.)
● Is emotionally smart (socially aware.)
● Must communicate well (verbal and written.) 
● Is a good team player (shows synergy amongst all ministries.)

Personal Development
● Participate in annual VantagePoint Church Lead Up conference to grow as a leader. 
● Attend ministry-specific training for inspiration and growth .
● Participate in a VantagePoint Church small group or Bible study.
● Attend an adult church service weekly. 
● Tithe as a household.

Interested in Applying?